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Know Your Remedies: Kalium Phosphoricum (Kali-p.) 1

Know Your Remedies: Kalium Phosphoricum (Kali-p.)

Kali phosphoricum (Kali-p.) is a remedy for mental and physical exhaustion with heightened sensitivity. Weakness, fatigue and irritability are hallmark symptoms.

Know Your Remedies: Magnesium Carbonicum (Mag-c.) 2

Know Your Remedies: Magnesium Carbonicum (Mag-c.)

Mag-c. is a remedy for digestive problems, failure to thrive, and an oversensitive nervous system. Fatigue and weakness are common symptoms.

Low on Hemoglobin? 3

Low on Hemoglobin?

Low iron levels lead to weakness, weariness, vertigo, flushing, headaches, fatigue, vaginal discharge and numerous other symptoms. This list of possible remedies may help.