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Homeopathy and Fish to Ward Off Encephalitis 1

Homeopathy and Fish to Ward Off Encephalitis

India: The Uttar Pradesh government is combating the outbreak of encephalitis that has claimed 117 lives in the last month. It is now looking to homeopathy and fish to control […]

Homeopathy Plus! Mentioned in New Scientist (and the fish are responsible) 3

Homeopathy Plus! Mentioned in New Scientist (and the fish are responsible)

Who would have thought one fishy question would draw so much attention? When we ran a Q&A piece asking, Can Fish be Treated with Homeopathy? people contacted us from far […]

Who's used homeopathy? Rod Stewart's wife, Penny Lancaster 5

Who’s used homeopathy? Rod Stewart’s wife, Penny Lancaster

Who’s used homeopathy? Rod Stewart’s wife for one. After two unsuccessful cycles of IVF, Penny Lancaster consulted homeopathic specialists in the US who discovered high levels of mercury in her […]