Five Homeopathic Songs to Ease Your Depression
The homeopathic 'like treats like' effect is produced by many things - not just little bottles of pills and liquids. Even music can be used homeopathically to lift or calm moods.
Alcoholism and Homeopathy
An Indian pilot study examined which remedies were the most effective for alcoholism. Nux vomica came out on top but what were the others?
Eating Disorders: Homeopathy for Pica
Do you crave and eat strange things – dirt, hair, chalk, ice, wood? Many do, and not just when pregnant. Homeopathy has several useful remedies to address the problem.
Are Bach Flowers Homeopathic?
The answer is yes, and no. Learn the what, when, and why of Bach flower remedies - how they're similar to homeopathy, and the ways in which they are different.
How Often to Dose with a 30C Homeopathic Remedy
The following instructions are suitable for the self-treatment of simple acute (short-lived) problems such as coughs, colds and digestive upsets with a 30C potency. One dose equals one sugar-pill or […]
Homeopathic Beer
Data from the 'proving' (homeopathic trial) of homeopathically prepared alcohol showed it produced (and so treats) symptoms similar to those of drunkenness.
Lack of Confidence and Learning Difficulties
Mitchell was a nine-year-old boy who hated school. Writing was difficult and concentration was poor. Homeopathy made a big difference.
Homeopathy Used In Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Patients given this homeopathic remedy had less mucus, shorter times on respirators, fewer respiratory complications and faster ICU discharges. But which remedy was it?
Do Antibiotics Make People Fat?
Could antibiotics be contributing to the obesity epidemic? Very likely according to recent research but other options, including homeopathy exist for acute and recurrent infections.