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Homeopathy Facts 1

Homeopathy Facts

Here's a few to start you off: the homeopathic market in the U.S has grown over 16%, MPs have welcomed it into this health care system, and countless celebrities use it.

Remedies and Childhood Cancer 2

Remedies and Childhood Cancer

This study found that homeopathy was more frequently used in the treatment of childhood cancer in Germany than any other complementary therapy. Read why.

Re-imagining mental healthcare from a homeopathic perspective 3

Re-imagining mental healthcare from a homeopathic perspective

Rix Pyke says,“Pharmaceutical psychiatry has lost its way. Shuffling after the illusion of its magic-bullet cures, it has created the nightmares of the ‘revolving door syndrome’ and the iatrogenic disease-creating […]

Humanitarian homeopaths branded exploitative 5

Humanitarian homeopaths branded exploitative

What does one particular ethicist know about homeopathy? Not a lot it seems. David Shaw criticises homeopathic aid organisations in the British Medical Journal for teaching Kenyan midwives how to […]