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Know Your Remedies: Pyrogenium (Pyrog.) 1

Know Your Remedies: Pyrogenium (Pyrog.)

It's no surprise that a remedy originally prepared from rotting meat is now used for severe infections with putrid and offensive discharges. For some, it has literally been a life-saver.

Coffee Helps a Sleepless Husband 2

Coffee Helps a Sleepless Husband

“My husband can’t sleep at night unless he has a cup of coffee. I've told him it's the homeopathic effect but he laughs. Am I right?”

Remedies for Fainting 3

Remedies for Fainting

Fainting may be associated with restlessness, a feeling of impending doom, shock, joy, grief, bad news, hysteria ... or a number of symptoms. Homeopathy can help.

What’s homeopathy? Homeopathy is the second most popular form of medicine worldwide. It’s used by millions of people to treat a wide range of problems – including anxiety. Homeopathy is […]

10 Remedies Homeopaths Use to Treat Flu-like Symptoms 4

10 Remedies Homeopaths Use to Treat Flu-like Symptoms

Aconite Napellus (Acon.) Aconite is a remedy most often needed during the very first stage of flu. Symptoms come on quickly, often alarmingly and the person is unusually restless and anxious. […]


Contains homeopathics traditionally used for the symptoms of anxiety such as nervousness, palpitations, restlessness, blushing, trembling and starting. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place 5 drops into the mouth. Dose every […]