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Super-easy homeopathy for sore throats 1

Super-easy homeopathy for sore throats

One group of clever mothers has discovered homeopathy for their family’s sore throats. Read their information on which homeopathic remedies and Cell Salts (simple, weak homeopathic remedies) suit what types […]

Homeopathy - to keep gardeners healthy 2

Homeopathy – to keep gardeners healthy

The Bandera County Courier includes homeopathy as one of its tips for healthy gardening. They say: “Because the risk of interaction with other drugs, supplements and herbs is minimal, experts […]

Sore and Sticky Eyes of Infants 3

Sore and Sticky Eyes of Infants

Sticky and infected eyes are a common complaint in babies. Unless the problem is serious, the usual advice is to regularly wipe the affected eye with a clean swab moistened […]

What is Winter Defense? 4

What is Winter Defense?

What is Winter Defense? Our Winter Defense Complex is a blend of homeopathic remedies traditionally used for the symptoms of sore throat, watery eyes, blocked nose, aching muscles and joints, […]