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Surgery? How Homeopathy Helps 1

Surgery? How Homeopathy Helps

Discover five remedies for the discomfort, pain and stress of surgery that don't interact with conventional medicines that may also be prescribed.

Wound Heals with Homeopathy 2

Wound Heals with Homeopathy

A 4-year-old trotter gelding was treated with homeopathy following surgery for delayed wound healing and antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. Recovery followed.

Avoiding Surgery for Gallstones 3

Avoiding Surgery for Gallstones

In some countries homeopathy is often used by doctors ahead of surgery for gallstones to help the patient dissolve or pass them. Here's a list of the key remedies they turn to.

Know Your Remedies: Bellis Perennis (Bell-p.) 4

Know Your Remedies: Bellis Perennis (Bell-p.)

Bellis perennis is an excellent remedy for rapid chilling, sorenenss, bruising, back sprain, and injuries of the lower abdomen or pelvic area. Consider it for bruising when Arnica fails to act.

Homeopathic Help for Surgery 5

Homeopathic Help for Surgery

Five simple homeopathic remedies can make a big difference to the anxiety, pain, shock and injury of having dental or other types of surgery - but which ones?

Homeopathy Hospital Cases 6

Homeopathy Hospital Cases

What's it like working at a busy homeopathic hospital? This doctor tells of complex organ failure treatment and cases in which by-pass surgery was avoided.