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Know Your Remedies: Clematis Erecta (Clem.) 1

Know Your Remedies: Clematis Erecta (Clem.)

Clematis is a remedy for toothache, hard swollen glands, gonorrhoea, cystitis and urethritis symptoms. Those needing this remedy dislike being alone but avoid talking with people.

Homeopathy for tooth and gum pain 2

Homeopathy for tooth and gum pain

"... basic home care can be enhanced with a variety of herbal and homeopathic treatments to relieve pain and resolve minor gum and tooth problems."

Homeopathic Help for Toothaches 3

Homeopathic Help for Toothaches

Dental problems include caries, pulpitis, hypersensitivity, gingivitis, jaw pain, food impaction, abscesses, teething difficulties and more. Here's a list of useful remedies for them.

Homeopathy for Dental Complaints 4

Homeopathy for Dental Complaints

Abscess, teething, TMJ pain, gingivitis, haemorrhage, teeth grinding, neuralgia, salivation, toothache, and more. Here's a list of remedies.