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Your Your Remedy – Oleander (Olnd.) 1

Your Your Remedy – Oleander (Olnd.)

Oleander, the homeopathic remedy, is prepared from the Nerium oleander shrub. Even though it is one of the most poisonous garden plants, with all parts being toxic, the shrub is […]

Recovery Complex Instructions 2

Recovery Complex Instructions

Contains remedies commonly used to reduce the symptoms of weakness, tiredness, or apathy following illness or surgery. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately 5 drops in the mouth. Dose once […]

Panic Stop Instructions 4

Panic Stop Instructions

Contains remedies traditionally used for the symptoms of panic and anxiety such as heightened emotions, weakness, palpitations, sweating, diarrhoea and the desire to avoid the problem. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately […]

Motion Sickness Complex 6

Motion Sickness Complex

Contains remedies commonly used to reduce symptoms associated with motion sickness such as nausea and vomiting, headache and weakness. Instructions Shake the bottle. Place approximately 5 drops in the mouth. […]