Kaviraj on Fleas, Termites & More

Kaviraj focussed on remedies for plants but he was also asked about eucalyptus toxins, termites, rats, flea-infested cats, white fly, and more. Here's what he said.

The spotted lanternfly is an attractive but invasive pest which, in large enough numbers, destroys plants, crops and trees.

Homeopathy Controls Lanternflies

Lanternflies are an attractive but destructive insect. They damage trees, vines, and crops but have they finally met their match?

From Hippy to Homeopath: the Story of Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj

Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj was one of the leading voices in the use of homeopathy for plants and soil. Here's the story of his early days of progression into agrohomeopathy.

Agrohomeopathy Q&A

You asked and Kaviraj responded with homeopathic suggestions for potato blight, fruit flies, white ants, snails, leaf miners, cockroaches, couch grass, fleas, and more.

Agrohomeopathy for Creepy Crawlies

Do you have a beetle, cyclid, silverfish, ant, earwig, spider or caterpillar problem? Here's what this homeopath suggested.

Ask Kaviraj — Issue 12

You asked and agrohomeopathy pioneer Kaviraj, answered. Here are his suggestions for bedbugs, mice, goldfish, spiders, and more

Coccinella to Deter Aphids and Other Soft-bodied Insects

When the ladybird beetle was turned into a remedy it became a highly useful deterrent for the common garden aphid.

Agrohomeopathy Repertory

Agrohomeopathy - the use of homeopathy for plant diseases - here's one repertory to use when looking at remedies for plants.

Ask Kaviraj — Issue 9

Cabbage butterfly, dairy cow mastitis, or Lyme tick problems? Here's what agrohomeopathy pioneer Kaviraj suggested.