When the Voice Gets Lost…

Are you prone to laryngitis? Take a look at these remedies for sudden onset of hoarseness, sensation of rawness, and several other associated symptoms.

Remedies for Fungal & Ringworm Infections

Fungal infections cause flaky sores which can lead to permanent hair loss or scarring. Stop their progression with a homeopathic remedy that matches the unique symptoms.

Remedies for Nosebleeds

Homeopathy is used for numerous types of nose bleeds. As examples, it stems those that start during desk work, after eating, with headaches or with itching - and that's just the beginning.

Homeopathy for Gingivitis

Symptoms of gum inflammation (gingivitis) include gums that are swollen, painful or bleeding, putrid odor from the mouth, increased saliva, and more. These remedies offer help.

Remedies for Speech Disorders

Do you or someone you care about suffer from stuttering, apraxia or dysarthria? Homeopathy offers support with remedies depending on the specific symptoms present.

Christmas Emotions

Feeling stressed, irritable, overwhelmed, disappointed, or sad and out-of-sorts? Or perhaps you're dealing with a wired or clingy child. These turmoils respond to homeopathy.

Homeopathy for Your Holiday!

A travel kit with remedies for anxiety, fear of flying, motion sickness, jet lag, upset tummies and other traveller complaints help you make the most of your holidays.

Remedies for Sports Injuries

Injuries are bound to happen when bodies are pushed to the limit during competitions. Homeopathy is widely used by savvy athletes for the resulting bruises, strains, and grazes.

Homeopathy and Measles

“Since the 1800s, homeopathic Aconitum Napellus 30C has been used successfully to treat measles in the beginning stage.” What other remedies have been recommended?