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First response homeopathy – Remedies for disasters (Part 1)

carFloods, wars, famines, accidents, earthquakes.

Hardly a day goes by without a disaster making headlines somewhere in the world – they are an inescapable part of life and, whether natural or manmade, have always been with us.

Recently Sydney and large parts of the state of NSW, Australia, have dealt with storms, cyclonic winds, flooding, and widespread power outages. A state of emergency and natural disaster zones were declared. We were in the middle of it and, though safe, could easily imagine how we might have been otherwise without adequate shelter and excellent support services.

What would you do if caught up in a natural disaster? Perhaps it’s time to look once again at our First Response Homeopathy series.

More Information: First Response Homeopathy – Remedies to Use in a Disaster (Part 1)