Remedies for Cockroaches, Silverfish, Rats and More

A couple of rats getting into someone's pantry

Kaviraj is our resident expert in using homeopathy for plant, soil, and pest problems. From Hippy to Homeopath: the Story of Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj.

Homeopathy has been used extensively in the treatment of people and animals for over 200 years but its use with plants (agrohomeopathy) is still in its infancy. Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj is one of its pioneers and a leading authority in this emerging area of agrohomeopathy.

If you would like help with your garden or farm problem, email Kaviraj your question at:

For best results, attach a photograph of the problem with your email and we will publish your question and Kaviraj’s answer in our next newsletter.

In this Issue

  • Ladybirds and scale
  • Fruit fly
  • Cockroaches
  • Asian house geckos
  • Rats
  • Silverfish
  • Rusty-brown dwarf apple trees
  • Borers in walnut and citrus trees
  • Instructions for storage and use of remedies
  • Ask Kaviraj your questions
  • Looking for More Information?


Q1: Ladybirds and scale. I wonder if a similar thing (Helix tosta) could be used for the lady beetles or whether that would also keep the insect eating lady beetles away too??? And is there anything in agrohomeopathy for other types of insect pests like scale etc??? (Question from Helix tosta survey responses)

Hi there. I’m curious as to why would you want to get rid of the ladybird beetles? They keep pests out of your garden so removing them would be like removing the police who are catching the thieves. Those same ladybird beetles should also get rid of the scale. If they don’t, Coccinella (potentised ladybird beetle) should deal with the scale.


Q2: Fruit fly. Could you please ask Kaviraj about a remedy for fruit fly?  I’ve a cousin who’s plagued by them in his mini orchard and he’s keen to try agrohomeopathy. (S.G.)

Hi S.G. What must first be understood is that in agrohomeopathy, we don’t spray for the fruit fly or any other pest, we treat the tree! The fruit fly is just a symptom of an ‘unwell’ tree that can’t repel its pests naturally. What your cousin should do is water the Coccinella (potentised ladybird beetle) into the roots of his fruit trees as soon as the infestation starts. While Coccinella is a remedy for aphids, of which the ladybird beetle is a natural predator, it deals with more than aphids. It can be used for many soft-bodied insects, including the fruit fly. Don’t use it as a spray as the fruit fly has the habit of hiding under the leaves so a spray would be fairly ineffective anyway. Asingle watering will last 3 months and he will need no longer bother himself with these pesky insects.


Q3: Cockroaches. I am interested in trying Arsenicum album around the house to deter cockroaches. They are just about gone for the season now, even in Brisbane, so will need to wait until Spring before giving the remedy a whirl.

Hi ES. You will see they do not like it at all. Follow the instructions as given in the Newsletter and you’ll be laughing all the way to a clean house and the bank. Imagine how much you will save – the planet, the wallet and your conscience.

Q4: Asian house geckos. In the meantime, have you any ideas to deter the Asian House Gecko? These pestiferous little beasts crap all over the place. They live in the roof space, in the letter box and in the garden. Sure, they eat insects but I prefer the cockraoaches to these things (the lesser of the two evils). Short of catching some and making a remedy from their carcases, is there a current remedy which I could try? The native geckoes don’t come into houses the way the Asian ones do. (ES)

Hi again. I am afraid I can’t help you with the gecko so you will have to resort to turning one into a remedy, as you suggested. Charcoal a freshly killed gecko in a cast-iron vessel and then turn the charcoal into a potentised remedy. If this sounds like too much work, why not learn to live with the geckos. They will be keeping more insects under control in your house than just cockroaches.

Q5: Rats. I’ve just read about homeopathy for cockroaches – do you have anything for rats, please? They live in my roof space (they enter by climbing up corrugations of sheet metal on near-flat pitched roof) so it is difficult to eliminate when not using bait. (J.C.)

Dear J.C. For rats, use a load of onions as they hate the smell of them. You could try one of the Allium (onion) remedies but I have not done this myself and so cannot guarantee theywill work. The same procedure suggested for the geckos could also be tried. Generally, rats leave a place where their species is dying too quickly. (That is one of the reasons why the pest spread the Black Plague so quickly through Europe in the 1600’s.) The same is also true for other pests such as the rabbit.


Q6: Silverfish. Hi Kaviraj, thanks for your information in regard to silverfish. I’ll try that out. Should I succuss it in a spray bottle and spray around the edges of rooms and hallways? I also have another question. My friend lives on a farm and his dog got mange from going into a wombat hole. Is there something to treat mange? Kind regards, AP.
Hi AP. Welcome. As to your dog with mange, can you give me some more symptoms? As you know dogs are individuals as much as humans. what might work for one dog not necessarily works for the other. Can you tell me more about his character, what he likes to do, its breed and what the dog is used for?
Q7: Rusty-brown dwarf apple trees. Hi. I have two dwarf apple tress that are just over two years old. I have them planted in terracotta pots and they have been doing really well until recently. The leaves have started to turn a rusty brown colour and something has been eating them though I haven’t been able to find out what. I am only a beginner gardener so I am not quite sure what is wrong with them. I would really love to treat them with a homeopathic remedy as I am not into artificial fertilisers. I look forward to any help you can give me. Thank you, NP.
Hi NP,, is it possible to send a photo of those trees? And have you thought about the facts that they may simply need repotting? Without knowing what is eating them, it is a little difficult to devise any treatment.
Q7: Borers in citrus and walnut trees. Hi. I have been following the agrohomeopathy news with great interest and have tried the helix tosta and silica with success.  Thank you so much!  I have even had the local library purchase the book. My question is: is there a remedy for borer?  It’s problem where I live and is in the citrus and walnut trees. I thought maybe silica to give the tree resistance but haven’t tried anything yet. Regards, Diane.
Hi Diane. Borers can be combated by the use of Thuja in the 6X. Give your trees a good dose of it, do not repeat and watch the result.

Instructions for Agrohomeopathy Remedy Use and Storage

Just add one 6X or 6C potency pill to each 200 ml of water, shake vigorously, and then spray on the leaves of your plant or water into its roots. If using the remedy for household pests, spray where the pests normally gather or run.

Store pills and liquid away from light, moisture, and high temperatures (normal household temperatures are fine). Close range mobile phone and microwave oven emissions have been shown to affect homeopathic remedies. Keep your pills and liquid away from these appliances.

1 x vial of 100 pills from the Homeopathy Plus Shop makes 20 litres of remedy.

Note about Kaviraj

Vaikunthanath Kaviraj passed away in March 2013 but left an enormous legacy of how to safely manage plant pests and diseases with homeopathy.
Onwards and upwards, Kaviraj – the world is a better place for you being in it. Its now time for others to pick up and continue the good work.