Homeopathy: The Early Days

One of our homeopaths said: ‘Once I didn’t think very highly of homeopathy. It seemed quaint, old-fashioned and if at all useful, only for the most minor of complaints...”

Study: Homeopathy in Chronic Sinusitis

Patients given homeopathic remedies for chronic sinusitis reported a significant improvement that was subsequently confirmed by x-rays.

Know Your Remedies: Sulphuricum Acidum (Sul-ac.)

Are you sensitive to smoke, smog, and odours? Do you have sour discharges, hot flushes, or a tendency to bleed or bruise easily? If so, Sul-ac may be helpful.

Tutorial 12 – Treatment Approaches Compared

How does homeopathy differ from other therapies? We compare it to Bach flowers, tissue salts, herbs, and others to help explain the differences.

Research: Homeopathy for Ear Infections

Situation: it's night. Your little one is fretting with ear pain. What to do? Homeopathy? In four clinical trials it relieved earaches and infections faster than antibiotics.

Helping Autism – Alex’s Story

Alex’s Mum says, "... we could see a definite improvement after each dose, followed by a general decline just prior to needing his next dose, so we knew it was the remedy..."

Tutorial 11 – Return of Old Symptoms

Marie was relieved that her menopausal symptoms had improved with homeopathy but past problems such as a painful shoulder and hay fever had returned. Why?

Charts: Kitchen Cupboard Cures

Four charts reveal easy-to-use 'kitchen cupboard cures' for tinea, burns, cuts, coughs, acne, thrush, warts, insect bites, leg cramps, vomiting, digestive upsets ... and more.

Know Your Remedies: Hamamelis Virginiana (Ham.)

Hamamelis virginiana is a useful remedy for fragile veins, venous congestion, and bleeding. Veins are enlarged and feel bruised or sore, especially when touched or pressed.