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Reversing Autism – Zane's Story 1

Reversing Autism – Zane’s Story

Zane was uncommunicative, withdrawn, aggressive, and anxious. His mother wrote this letter to a professor after substantial improvements were seen with homeopathy.

Homeopathy with Autism and ADHD 2

Homeopathy with Autism and ADHD

"The child did not speak sentences and repeated a few words. The mother complained of hyperactivity. He doesn’t sit in the school class."

Homeopathic Help for Autism 3

Homeopathic Help for Autism

With homeopathic treatment Amy and Jaya's parents began to see improvements such as an increase in eye contact and a reduction of obsessions.

Autism & Homeopathy 4

Autism & Homeopathy

“Significant positive & curative response with homoeopathic medicines in subjects with ASD was found, suggesting that homoeopathic medicines can provide relief …”

Homeopathy and Autism 5

Homeopathy and Autism

“When upset, Juan will bang his head against the sofa (or my chest). When excited, his hands will flap. His speech development has been delayed.” Which remedy helped?

Autism and Homeopathy 6

Autism and Homeopathy

"Consider this. What will our society be like when 1 in 10 children (10%) are autistic? 1 in 5 children? Half of all children?" Here's a list of possible causes and ways in which homeopathy helps.

Homeopathy for Autism 7

Homeopathy for Autism

Paul was withdrawn, didn’t talk, couldn’t maintain eye contact, was constantly sick, wouldn’t eat normal food and spent his days spinning ... until homeopathy.

Autism: Part 1 - Homeopathy and the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (Practitioners and Parents) 8

Autism: Part 1 – Homeopathy and the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (Practitioners and Parents)

"Transitions that had previously been a huge problem were suddenly no problem at all ... He became less obsessed with activities..."

Autism: Part 2 - Other Approaches and Their Implications for Homeopathic Treatment (Practitioners and Parents) 9

Autism: Part 2 – Other Approaches and Their Implications for Homeopathic Treatment (Practitioners and Parents)

The use of other therapies has significant implications for homeopathic treatment. Some approaches, such as dietary changes, can be combined easily; others, not so much.