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Pill or Liquid Remedies?

A decorative image of a liquid homeopathic bottle and some pillsAnswer: Homeopathic remedies can be given in numerous ways – and they all work.

Little round sugar pills or drops from a bottle are the two most common ways remedies are dispensed but tablets, sprays, creams, and powders are also used.

Pills (also called globules, pellets or pilules) are made from sucrose or lactose and so taste like sugar; children (and adults) find them pleasant and easy to take but liquids, while tasting more like water and not as sweet as pills, do have some advantages.

The first is that the potency of a liquid remedy can be changed slightly by succussion (hitting the base of the remedy bottle against the palm of your hand to agitate the liquid within it). This can’t be done with a dry pill – its potency is static.

By slightly changing the potency of each dose by succussion, each dose of the remedy works a little more deeply than the previous one, and with less risk of aggravation.

This means the liquid remedy can be given more frequently, and, if not used excessively, without the aggravating effects that would occur if the same approach was used with dry pills. As a result, improvement in symptoms will be quicker.

The general rule is that liquid doses can be repeated to stimulate a better response when improvement is sluggish but dry pills should only be repeated when any improvement has stalled so as not to produce an aggravation in the sensitive – which leads to the second benefit of liquids.

Some belong to a sensitive minority who over-react to all repeated doses of a dry pill – whether improvements produced by that pill have stalled or not. While these aggravations are non-toxic and short-lived, they are unnecessary.

By using liquids, the dose of a remedy can be diluted and made more gentle in action so that those who are overly sensitive can still be treated without aggravating effects.

So, pills or liquids? Both produce good results, but if you are looking to speed up the rate of improvement, or manage heightened sensitivity, a liquid remedy is your best option.

Helpful Links to More information

1. Instructions for Turning Pills into Liquid Remedies
2. Tutorial 3: Potentisation
3. Tutorial 5: Benefits of Potentisation
4. Tutorial 15: What to Expect (aggravations and sensitivity)