Q. What is Tautopathy?

Tautopathy is form of isopathy (‘same disease’) in which disease-causing agents are given in potentised form to either treat or prevent that disease.

Specifically, tautopathy attempts to prevent or relieve harmful reactions caused by conventional medicines, vaccines or poisons by using low-risk, potentised remedies prepared from those same substances.

The remedy is given either before exposure to a toxin or when a harmful reaction has occurred following an exposure.

Tautopathy differs from homeopathy in that doesn’t try to improve the person’s general health with a remedy that matches their pre-existing conditions, symptoms, susceptibility, or weaknesses.

Its only function is to prevent or reduce that harm that may be caused by exposure to a toxic substance.

Tautopathic examples include: potentised antibiotics for harmful reactions to antibiotics; potentised steroids for the ill-effects of steroid medications; potentised x-ray for harmful effects of x-ray radiation; potentised mercury for the ill-effects of mercury poisoning; potentised vaccines for the ill-effects of vaccines, and so on.

While tautopathy is a quick and simple approach that has been shown to reduce the adverse effects of various toxins, homeopathy is a considered approach that has the potential to concurrently treat the person’s underlying susceptibility as well as the side-effects of harmful substances.

Both have a role to play in the treatment and prevention of problems arising from drugs, vaccines, and poisons.

Dosage Recommendations for the Tautopathic Approach

Tautopathy should not be relied upon as a way to control all adverse side-effects in all situations.

Only total avoidance of the harmful substance can guarantee this.

Tautopathy is best used when avoidance is not impossible or when an adverse event has already occurred.

The following recommendations are for 30C potencies. (Lower potencies may need more frequent repetition while higher potencies may need a less frequent repetition.)

Prevention: Take one dose of the tautopathic remedy before the exposure, and then dose three times a day for up to three days following the exposure or while the exposure is present.

Treatment: On immediate or recent exposure, dose 3 times a day for up to three days and then reassess symptoms for the need for ongoing treatment. For persistent symptoms from a past exposure, professional assessment and management with a qualified homeopath is recommended.

Further Reading:

What is Isopathy?

Homeopathy & Arsenic Poisoning

Can Homeopathic Arsenic Remedy Combat Arsenic Poisoning in Humans Exposed to Groundwater Arsenic Contamination?: A Preliminary Report on First Human Trial

Tautopathy – An Effective Treatment for Drug Induced Diseases

The Evidence Scientific Studies Show Tautotherapy is an Effective Treatment for Drug-Induced and Toxic Disorders