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What Happens When 829 Patients are Treated with Homeopathy? 1

What Happens When 829 Patients are Treated with Homeopathy?

“Conditions that improved significantly with homeopathic treatment were rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, eczema, asthma, anxiety, depression…” and more.

Florence Nightingale and homeopathy 2

Florence Nightingale and homeopathy

Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, used and recommended homeopathy. Sue Young Histories explores this interesting fact in detail.

Homeopathy Enjoys the Edge 3

Homeopathy Enjoys the Edge

Dr Shah writes an insightful article at the International News. When comparing homeopathy to conventional medicines, he says: “The more a homeopathic medicine is used the more useful it becomes. […]

Pioneering Homeopathy 5

Pioneering Homeopathy

In 1842, homeopathic doctor John Epps wrote a handbook for the US families on how to use homeopathy for various child and adult "maladies". It's still useful, today.