Know Your Remedies: Kali Carbonicum (Kali-c.)

Kali-c is a useful remedy for types of arthritis, asthma, peptic ulcers, sinusitis and more. Those who need this remedy also have strong mental control, and are dutiful and moral.

Arthritis: Homeopathy Compared

Arthritis can be disabling. Here's a comparison between the conventional and homeopathic approach to treatment, and the corresponding remedies for different symptoms.

Remedies for Arthritis

Homeopathy can relieve the immediate pain and stiffness associated with arthritis while offering long-term treatment options. Here's a list of remedies homeopaths often turn to.

Vet Prefers Homeopathy

"The side-effects of homeopathic treatment are improved, overall health and a heightened sense of well-being; side-effects not typically found with Western medicine."

Vet homeopaths

Vet homeopaths treat dermatitis, renal failure, arthritis in cats and dogs with good benefit for up to 68% of them, say owners. The most frequently treated feline conditions were dermatitis, […]