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Video: Rheumatoid Arthritis – Lauren’s Story – Homeopathy Helps Me to Live a Normal Life

Lauren developed rheumatoid arthritis at the age of two. Twenty-five years later she tells how homeopathy has helped her live an active and healthy life.

Remedies for Arthritis

Compare the conventional and homeopathic approach to arthritis. A list of related research and key remedies for this disabling problem are provided.

Homeopathic Help for Arthritis

Whether it be osteo, rheumatoid or gouty, arthritis is painful and life-limiting. Learn of key homeopathic remedies for the symptoms it produces and start moving freely again.

Homeopathy and Arthritis

"...conventional medicine works by providing patients with pain relief through painkilling drugs, Homeopathy seeks to deal with the underlying condition that is causing the pain."

Top 7 Remedies for Back Pain

"Homeopathy is known to effect magical recovery in back pain cases whether resulting from disc complaint, arthritis, injuries or muscle strain." says this doctor.

Know Your Remedies: Berberis Vulgaris (Berb.)

An important remedy for neuralgia or colic in any part of the body but especially joints, muscles and the urinary tract system.

Arthritis: Homeopathic Treatment

Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia, polymyalgia? Homeopathy helps by matching remedies to symptoms rather than remedies to disease names. Here's why.

What Happens When 829 Patients are Treated with Homeopathy?

“Conditions that improved significantly with homeopathic treatment were rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, eczema, asthma, anxiety, depression…” and more.

Remedies for Arthritis

Homeopathy relieves the immediate pain and stiffness of with arthritis while offering long-term treatment options. Here's a list of remedies homeopaths may use.