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Homeopathic Doses for All Ages 1

Homeopathic Doses for All Ages

Q. How much of a remedy should I give? Here are our recommendations for big and little people, and the reason why the size of the dose is a minor variable during treatment.

Crying Infant – Colicky Baby 2

Crying Infant – Colicky Baby

A doctor discusses infant colic and remedies to ease the pain and distress. Note: clicking through to pages 2 and 3 of the link take you to the full article and remedy list.

Study: Quicker Births with Fewer Complications 3

Study: Quicker Births with Fewer Complications

93 women given a complex (combination) of homeopathic remedies. Many of them had shorter labours with fewer complications than those given the placebo.

Homeopathy saved my son’s life 4

Homeopathy saved my son’s life

Blast from the past: Read what Roger Daltrey had to say about homeopathy… and to Prince Charles. He starts with: “I had a very, very dramatic experience with my son […]

Sore and Sticky Eyes of Infants 6

Sore and Sticky Eyes of Infants

Sticky and infected eyes are a common complaint in babies. Unless the problem is serious, the usual advice is to regularly wipe the affected eye with a clean swab moistened […]

Childhood Cancer 7

Childhood Cancer

Homeopathy is more frequently used in the treatment of childhood cancer in Germany than any other complementary therapy.