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Somi – An Aggressive Child 1

Somi – An Aggressive Child

Somi was an angry 7-year-old facing expulsion from school. His mother was at her wits end but decided to try homeopathy. Here's what happened next.

Angie's Belladonna Flu 2

Angie’s Belladonna Flu

The flu hit Angie fast. Her high fever, throbbing headache, glistening eyes, hot flushed face, and its rapid onset suited Belladonna. Here's what happened next.

Know Your Remedies: Belladonna (Bell.) 3

Know Your Remedies: Belladonna (Bell.)

During a Belladonna fever the throat and mouth is dry, hands and feet cold, and the rest of the body hot to the touch. Hallucinations may also be present.