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Sandra's Irritable Bowel and Other Problems 1

Sandra’s Irritable Bowel and Other Problems

Sandra would bloat as the day progressed. Her discomfort always worsened with breads and fatty foods. She was diagnosed as having IBS. Homeopathy made a difference.

Nutmeg as the homeopathic remedy, Nux Moschata (Nux-m.)

Know Your Remedies: Nux Moschata (Nux-m.)

Who would have thought that the common nutmeg spice, regularly used in cooking, could treat symptoms such as confusion and sleepiness when potentised into a remedy?

Homeopathy for Brian 2

Homeopathy for Brian

At 65 years of age, Brian was suffering from crippling anxiety, bloat, colic, profuse sweat, dry flaking skin, back pain and poor sleep. One remedy made a big difference.

Help for Lactose Intolerance 3

Help for Lactose Intolerance

Do you suffer from bloating, flatulence, constipation or diarrhoea from milk intolerance? Here are 5 key homeopathic remedies that may help.

Eat Easy 4

Eat Easy

Contains remedies commonly used to reduce the symptoms of over-indulgence such as heartburn, indigestion, bloating and flatulence. Quantity: