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Video: Rheumatoid Arthritis – Lauren’s Story – Homeopathy Helps Me to Live a Normal Life

Lauren developed rheumatoid arthritis at the age of two. Twenty-five years later she tells how homeopathy has helped her live an active and healthy life.

Study: Arnica and UV Damage

Many know of Arnica's benefits following a bruise or injury but how many also know that it repairs genetic damage from the sun's ultra-violet radiation - at least in bacteria?

Q. Can Homeopathic Remedies be Used Beside Conventional Medicines?

Homeopathic remedies and conventional drugs work in different ways and at different levels. So, how does that affect the safety and progress of treatment if both are taken together?

Conquering Kidney Stones: Kirsten’s Story

"I have suffered from recurring kidney stones since I was 17-years-old, and have needed major surgery about every 18 months ..."

Mastitis: Why homeopathy?

The conventional and homeopathic treatment options for mastitis are compared. Useful remedies and related research is included.

High Blood Pressure Remedies

A doctor discusses 13 remedies out of many he uses for hypertension. Answers to questions are provided including how homeopathy is integrated with conventional treatments.

Homeopathy in Mental Health

Homeopathy helps mental-emotional imbalances as well as physical problems so it is especially heartening when a psychiatrist urges it use in his profession.

Do Antibiotics Make People Fat?

Could antibiotics be contributing to the obesity epidemic? Very likely according to recent research but other options, including homeopathy exist for acute and recurrent infections.

Homeopathy for multiple health problems

Do you have not just one, not just two, but three or more health problems bothering you? If your answer is “Yes!”, don’t despair just yet. A recent study showed […]