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Know Your Remedies: Agaricus Muscarius (Agar.) 1

Know Your Remedies: Agaricus Muscarius (Agar.)

Are you tired of twitches, jerks, tics, cramps and spasms? Are these symptoms worsened by thunderstorms or sexual activity? You might need Agaricus.

Homeopathy for Dehydration 2

Homeopathy for Dehydration

Homeopathy resolves health problems that lead to dehydration. Which remedies would you use for diarrhoea, blood loss, or dehydration with cramps and weakness?

Know Your Remedies: Magnesium Phosphoricum (Mag-p.) 3

Know Your Remedies: Magnesium Phosphoricum (Mag-p.)

Mag-phos is useful for certain types of nerve pain, cramps, irritability, colic, painful periods, symptoms worsened by cold air, and more.

Homeopathy for Diarrhoea 4

Homeopathy for Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea – it's a subject few want to discuss but homeopathy helps those with watery stools, flatulence, cramps, and more. Studies also show it outperforms other treatments.