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Homeopathic First Aid Kit 1

Homeopathic First Aid Kit

This doctor tells of her surprise and pleasure when a case of chronic middle ear infection in a young boy cleared overnight with the correct remedy.

Four Ear Infections - Four Different Remedies 2

Four Ear Infections – Four Different Remedies

Four 'ear pain' cases from our clinic show how, with the right remedy, ear infections quickly resolve - something that's welcome news for children and adults alike.

The use of homeopathy in paediatrics 3

The use of homeopathy in paediatrics

George tells how home-use homeopathy helps children and parents with everyday health problems such as colds, teething, bed-wetting, night terrors, rashes, fevers, ear infections, pink eye… and so much more. […]

Healing Ear, Nose, and Throat Problems 4

Healing Ear, Nose, and Throat Problems

Dr Keith Souter gives a rundown on homeopathic remedies suitable for ear, nose and throat problems such as nasal polyps, nosebleeds, allergic rhinitis, sore throats, sinusitis, earache and vertigo. He […]

Homeopathic Treatment for Ear Infections Better than Antibiotics 6

Homeopathic Treatment for Ear Infections Better than Antibiotics

Have you, or one of your children, ever had an ear infection? If so, you’ll know the urgency of treating the pain as quickly as possible. Four controlled clinical trials […]