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Part 1: Homeopathy and AIDS – A Letter from Africa

(2011) Dear Friends, I am writing this letter from Tanzania, Africa. It is hot today, perhaps 38C, but the morning was cool and crisp, and the Kilimanjaro had a fresh […]

Do Antibiotics Make People Fat? 6

Do Antibiotics Make People Fat?

Have antibiotics contributed to the obesity epidemic which is now such a problem in the West? Most likely, according to recent research. The killing of gut bacteria by antibiotics has […]

The 1918 Flu Pandemic 7

The 1918 Flu Pandemic

(From: J. Winston. 1999. The Faces of Homeopathy. Great Auk Publishing. Wellington: New Zealand.)It is hard to imagine the devastation caused by the flu epidemic of 1918-19. People who lived […]