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Mosquito-Borne Diseases 1

Mosquito-Borne Diseases

People continue to die from epidemic diseases such as malaria and Japanese encephalitis yet some Governments use homeopathy to prevent them. Which ones, and what for?

Study: Japanese Encephalitis Controlled by Homeopathic Belladonna 2

Study: Japanese Encephalitis Controlled by Homeopathic Belladonna

Worldwide, Japanese encephalitis kills approximately 10,000 people a year. Some governments have been using homeopathy as a treatment and preventative.

Homeopathy During the 1918 Flu Pandemic 3

Homeopathy During the 1918 Flu Pandemic

"In a plant of almost 8,000 workers we had only one death. The patients were not drugged to death. Gelsemium was practically the only remedy used."

Ebola crisis: There IS something we can do to help 4

Ebola crisis: There IS something we can do to help

We don’t have to sit passively and watch this human catastrophe unfold. We can make a difference by telling WHO that homeopathy has a proven track record of treating and […]

Homeopathy in Epidemics 5

Homeopathy in Epidemics

The Ebola virus has raised its ugly head again, resulting in hundreds of deaths across West Africa. So far homeopathy hasn’t been used as a preventative for this particular disease, […]

Homeopathy, Haiti, and Chikungunya 6

Homeopathy, Haiti, and Chikungunya

Homeopaths Without Borders (HWB) is heading back to Haiti, which is still in the middle of a Chikungunya epidemic (see our article on how first-responder homeopathic graduates report they have […]

Homeoprophylaxis: Study re-evaluated and results hold true 7

Homeoprophylaxis: Study re-evaluated and results hold true

A re-evaluation of study in which homeopathy was used to protect millions of people during a leptospirosis epidemic in Cuba has just been published. It again showed that homeopathy dramatically […]

Homeopathic remedies for Dengue fever epidemic 8

Homeopathic remedies for Dengue fever epidemic

As dengue fever cases increase in the Guwahati state, AYUSH doctors advise that homeopathic remedies effectively treat and prevent the disease through immuno-modulation and without adverse effects, reports The Times […]

Lives Saved in Epidemics 9

Lives Saved in Epidemics

Historical "survival" charts comparing homeopathic to conventional treatment during the great world epidemics show homeopathy was substantially superior for survival.