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Tutorial 3 - Potentisation 1

Tutorial 3 – Potentisation

The discovery of potentisation put an end to the dangerous side-effects of some homeopathic remedies and opened the door to safe treatments for all, even with 'poisons'.

Law of Similars Discovered 2

Law of Similars Discovered

Have you ever wondered how homeopathy came into being? The answer lies with German polymath, a text on malaria, and a poorly understood law of nature.

Potentisation - What is It? 3

Potentisation – What is It?

The discovery of potentisation put an end to the dangerous side-effects of some homeopathic remedies and opened the door to safe treatments for all.

The Cinchona Experiment 4

The Cinchona Experiment

Have you ever wondered how homeopathy came into being? The answer lies with German polymath, a text on malaria, and a poorly understood law of nature.

Homeopathic Firsts 5

Homeopathic Firsts

Something for the history buffs; homeopathy is responsible for many firsts. Within one lifetime, its founder, Samuel Hahnemann, discovered and developed this complete system of medicine with core principles of […]