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Thyroid Cancer & Homeopathy 1

Thyroid Cancer & Homeopathy

"I was 28 years old and had a 4-6 a day cigarette habit. I began to feel a “lump” in my throat that felt as if something were lodged in there, and it was getting bigger."

Five Homeopathic Songs to Ease Your Depression 2

Five Homeopathic Songs to Ease Your Depression

The homeopathic 'like treats like' effect is produced by many things - not just little bottles of pills and liquids. Even music can be used homeopathically to lift or calm moods.

Dengue Fever & Homeopathy 3

Dengue Fever & Homeopathy

Brazilians regularly use homeopathy with good results to treat and prevent dengue fever. These two studies supported its safety and effectiveness against this disease.

Eating Disorders: Homeopathy for Pica 4

Eating Disorders: Homeopathy for Pica

Do you crave and eat strange things – dirt, hair, chalk, ice, wood? Many do, and not just when pregnant. Homeopathy has several useful remedies to address the problem.

Arsenic Poisoning Treated by Homeopathy 5

Arsenic Poisoning Treated by Homeopathy

Groundwater around the world is contaminated by arsenic. The 'detoxing' effect of homeopathic arsenic is being used to help some affected communities.

Are Bach Flowers Homeopathic? 6

Are Bach Flowers Homeopathic?

The answer is yes, and no. Learn the what, when, and why of Bach flower remedies - how they're similar to homeopathy, and the ways in which they are different.

Things That Happen to Fingers 7

Things That Happen to Fingers

Fingers are in the front-line of being injured or damaged. Here’s a quick and easy guide on how to treat crushes, cuts, burns, punctures, and more with homeopathy.

How Often to Dose with a 30C Homeopathic Remedy 8

How Often to Dose with a 30C Homeopathic Remedy

The following instructions are suitable for the home-treatment of acute (short-lived) problems rather than chronic conditions. One dose equals one pill or pellet, or ¼ dropper (5-7 drops) of liquid, […]

Homeopathic Consultations - Acute and Chronic 9

Homeopathic Consultations – Acute and Chronic

The information you provide during your first appointment is used by your homeopath to choose the most appropriate remedy. It makes good sense to prepare beforehand.