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Questions: Helix tosta for Snails 1

Questions: Helix tosta for Snails

Is it best to spray Helix tosta on the leaves or water the remedy into the ground? Does it work with all snails? We answer these and other questions.

Anti-Snails & Slugs Remedy 2

Anti-Snails & Slugs Remedy

Savvy gardeners use a homeopathic remedy to repel slugs and snails. Here's how they do it. Instructions on how to make the remedy, if so inclined, are also included.

Ask Kaviraj -- Issue 7 3

Ask Kaviraj — Issue 7

Are you wondering what to try for fruit flies, mosquitoes, carpet beetles and grasshoppers? Kaviraj had homeopathic suggestions for these and other problems.

Deter Snails with Homeopathy 4

Deter Snails with Homeopathy

Our first experience with agrohomeopathy was when one of our homeopaths tried Helix tosta on her rhubarb plant to see if it deterred snails. Here's what happened.

Horticultural Homeopathy 5

Horticultural Homeopathy

Looking for info sheet on homeopathic remedies for plant pests and diseases? Here's one – just what you need for battling slugs, snails, blight, and other horticultural problems.

Homeopathy in the Garden 6

Homeopathy in the Garden

Homeopathy stimulates a plant’s innate defences against pests and disease so that resistance to them is increased. Here's a list of useful remedies for suitable plant conditions. 

Common Garden Remedies 7

Common Garden Remedies

These are a few of the most popular remedies that can be used to treat and prevent common diseases and pests in the garden, and to strengthen plants and improve nutrient absorption. […]

Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z

Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E | Agrohomeopathic Remedies F-N | Agrohomeopathic Remedies O-Z Name Abbrev Use for Quantity Ocinum basilicum Oci-b. HoverShrivelled by fungal disease; Ocimum canum Oci. HoverCalcium deficiency; copper deficiency; […]

Agrohomeopathic Remedies A-E

Remedies come in vials containing approximately 100 pills (makes 20 litres of liquid) and come with instructions. Price: $16.00AU A guide to help you choose the best remedy for your […]