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Homeopathy for the Incurables

Patients with eczema, asthma, migraine, IBS, menopausal problems, anxiety, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and more ... they were all 'incurable' until homeopathy.

Study: Psoriasis Treated by homeopathy

Researchers found that psoriasis, quality of life and other pre-existing health problems improved when homeopathy was used for treatment.

Study: Homeopathy for Haemophilia

Treatment reduced the frequency and severity of bleeding, relieved pain, improved mental well-being, and lessened absenteeism.

End of Life Care with Homeopathy

Tom's remaining days were affected by pain, anxiety, depression, and haemorrhage. The homeopathic remedies acted quickly to relieve distressing symptoms.

Professor: Cancer & Homeopathy

This medical professor explains why it makes sense to use homeopathy for cancer patients - even when advanced. It's affordable and increases quality of life.