Lack of Confidence and Learning Difficulties

Mitchell was a nine-year-old boy who hated school. Writing was difficult and concentration was poor. Homeopathy made a big difference.

Homeopathy Used In Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Patients given this homeopathic remedy had less mucus, shorter times on respirators, fewer respiratory complications and faster ICU discharges. But which remedy was it?

Do Antibiotics Make People Fat?

Could antibiotics be contributing to the obesity epidemic? Very likely according to recent research but other options, including homeopathy exist for acute and recurrent infections.

Remedies for Stress

"Homeopathy is a holistic remedy, never dissociating physical symptoms (migraine, insomnia, back ache) with the patient’s mental state."

Homeopathy for asthma-like symptoms?

Dr. Zubin Dehmeri provides a quick rundown on asthma and then lists 14 homeopathic remedies traditionally used for asthma-like symptoms. Once again, the symptom profile of the remedy has to […]

Why the homeopathic aggravations?

A recent study looked at how satisfied European and Brazilian parents were with the homeopathic treatment by medical homeopaths for their children. Overall, they were quite satisfied, but 19% reported […]

Homeopathy! Man reports, “Asthma cured by cockroach in teapot.”

Did you know that homeopathy, in its like-treats-like manner, has been managing asthma-like symptoms with a cockroach remedy for more than 100 years? While cockroaches have been recognised in recent […]

Body art and homeopathy

Four UK celebrities decided to raise awareness about homeopathy by having their favourite remedy painted on their bodies.   TV presenter Stacey Dooley, singer and DJ Janey Lee Grace, Olympic […]

Dr. Oz’s homeopathic starter kit

Dr Oz is good at simplifying healthcare information, but his homeopathic “starter kit” has short-sheeted his fans on homeopathic information on remedies for headaches, fevers, abdominal complaints and allergy symptoms. […]