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Questions: Helix tosta for Snails

Is it best to spray Helix tosta on the leaves or water the remedy into the ground? Does it work with all snails? We answer these and other questions.

Anti-Snails & Slugs Remedy

Savvy gardeners use a certain homeopathic remedy to repel slugs and snails. Here's how they do it. Instructions on how to make the remedy, if so inclined, are also included.

Deter Snails with Homeopathy

Our first experience with agrohomeopathy was when one of our homeopaths tried Helix tosta on her rhubarb plant to see if it deterred snails. Here's what happened.

Preliminary Responses from the Helix Tosta Survey

"Half of respondents said Helix tosta produced an ‘excellent’ result. Others classified the result as ‘good’". And that is just part of what they said.

Helix tosta Survey Results

Some years back we conducted a survey on a remedy with a reputation for being a snail deterrent. Here are the results from those who put their hand up to test it for us.

Horticultural Homeopathy

Looking for info sheet on homeopathic remedies for plant pests and diseases? Here's one – just what you need for battling slugs, snails, blight, and other horticultural problems.