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Know Your Remedies: Mercurius Solubilis (Merc.)

Mercurius is a key remedy to consider for complaints with offensive discharges, swollen glands, and slowly healing wounds or abscesses.

Know Your Remedy: Calendula Officinalis (Calen.)

Calendula is best known for its ability to soothe sunburnt or chafed skin, control infection, and stimulate healing in wounds and lacerations. And that's not all...

Homeopathy for Mouth Ulcers

Orthodox medicine says its treatments, "will not stop you developing new mouth ulcers in the future”. With the correct homeopathic remedy, more than that can be expected.

Remedies for Herpes Zoster

"There are a number of Homoeopathic medicines to treat herpes but each individual case is taken in detail and the remedy selected on basis of the individual’s symptoms."

Part 1: Homeopathy and AIDS – A Letter from Africa

(2011) Dear Friends, I am writing this letter from Tanzania, Africa. It is hot today, perhaps 38C, but the morning was cool and crisp, and the Kilimanjaro had a fresh […]