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Know Your Remedies: Cina Maritima (Cina.) 1

Know Your Remedies: Cina Maritima (Cina.)

Cina is mostly a childhood remedy for certain gastrointestinal worms or types of seizures triggered by agitation. Children are irritable, dissatisfied, and easily angered.

Know Your Remedies: Sabadilla (Sabad.) 2

Know Your Remedies: Sabadilla (Sabad.)

Sabadilla - a remedy for unusual imaginings, worms, hay fever and other allergies. Physical symptoms start on the left side of the body and move to the right side.

Homeopathic Remedies for Worms 3

Homeopathic Remedies for Worms

Cina has a reputation of being the 'go to' remedy for worms but other remedies produce even better results when the symptoms match. Here's a list of the main ones.

Homeopathic Medicine for Worms 4

Homeopathic Medicine for Worms

Hookworms, round worms, thread worms, tapeworms ... any kind of worm. They are all managed by homeopathy in tincture or potency. Here's a list of useful remedies.