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Agrohomeopathy Q&A

A picture of potatoes

Kaviraj is our resident expert on using homeopathy for plants, soils and pests. From Hippy to Homeopath: the Story of Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj.

Homeopathy has been used extensively in the treatment of people and animals for over 200 years but its use with plants (agrohomeopathy) is still in its infancy.Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj is one of its pioneers and a leading authority in this emerging area of agrohomeopathy.

If you would like help with your garden or farm problem, email Kaviraj your question at:

For best results, attach a photograph of the problem with your email and we will publish your question and Kaviraj’s answer in our next newsletter.


  • Potato blight
  • Fruit flies in orange and grapefruit
  • White ants / termites
  • Blight, green shield bug, and white fly
  • Couch grass
  • Paw paw trees
  • Snails, head lice, cockroaches and fleas
  • Leafminers
  • Instructions for storage and use of remedies
  • Ask Kaviraj your questions
  • Looking for More Information?

Questions and Answers


Q1. Potato Blight: Hello, I’m an organic grower in Ireland and just wondering if Kaviraj has ever had any success with finding a remedy which reduces the effects of blight on potatoes. We grow varieties which are the least susceptible to blight, but after a few years of growing each variety, we tend to get blight again. Our soil conditions and mineral profile is very good, and we are proficient in getting the soils very healthy and fertile, but have never managed to reduce the blight effects on potatoes. We even tried making a 6c remedy from local blighted leaves, but it didn’t have any effect. Regards, Richard Hogan. Sustainable Systems Ireland.
Hi Richard, blight is a fungal disease. If potatoes are grown near tomatoes, they can infect the potatoes with fungi and vice versa. This will keep the fungus alive. The vegetation of the plants should be thoroughly composted as when it is left on the field re-infestation is inevitable. There are two remedies that are useful in this situation. Phaseolus, a remedy made from a companion to potatoes, is very effective, and also Silicea can be used. Sulphur is another remedy that comes to mind because of symptom similarity between sulphur excess and the symptoms of blight. Kaviraj.


 A rotted grapefruit from fruit flies

Q2. Fruit Fly in Oranges and Grapefruit: Dear Kaviraj, I am wondering whether there is something to keep fruit flies of my orange and grapefruit tree. Every year I have a great crop but at least half of it is infected by fruit flies. I use the fruit fly traps but they don’t seem to be too effective. Thanks, Nic.

Hi Nic, Coccinella is the best remedy. Kaviraj.


Q3. Termites: Hi Kaviraj.  I was wondering if there is a remedy for white ants (Termites). We have had them in our unit but they were destroyed before we bought the unit. However we need to do some repair work to our properity. I would be interested to know if Homeopathy has a remedy, how to administer the remedy and how often to use it. Looking forward to your reply. Ray C.

Hi Ray, sure we have a remedy to get rid of those pesky white ants. I recommend to use camphor wood for new pieces and the same as a remedy for the structures you want to keep. The white ant hates the smell of camphor and as a remedy it hates it even more. If there are any holes in the wood already, soak that end in a 6X solution over night and let the stuff drip in from the top for the next 24 hrs. If you get the wood thoroughly wet, you will see them either all die or rapidly leave. Kaviraj.


Q4. Blight and Green Shield Bug: Hi Kaviraj, What can I do about blight and green shield bug on my tomatoes, and white fly on the runner beans. The runner beans also get attacked by the green shield bug.  I am in Auckland, New Zealand.  Which homoeopathic remedy would you suggest for this please? Thanks for your time. JeanetteHi Jeanette, blight can be controlled by Silicea, or Carbo vegetabilis. It will stop the disease from spreading and the new shoots will be nice and green. As for those bugs, give the plants one watering of either Thuja or Ledum – the effect will last for up to 3 months. White fly can be controlled in the same way and for the same length of time by Syrphinilida or Coccinella. Kaviraj.


Q5.  Garden full of Couch Grass: Hi Kaviraj, My garden is full of couch grass/weed. I would like to get rid of it to grow vegies there. When I water the garden (vegies) the couch grass goes off, and is so very hard to get rid of. Could you help? Thank you! A.H.

Hi AH, you can use Juglans nigra to stop the couch grass from growing. It will not kill it, but suppress it for up to 7 months. Water the grass with the Juglans and after 72 hours you can plant your veges and harvest when ready. During your dry season when everything burns in the sun, grow nothing but repeat the Juglans every week or so for about a month, maybe two, and that should kill off the couch grass. The next spring, when the rains come back, plant your veges again as the remedy has by then finished its action completely. The remedy will not affect the vegs in this manner. Kaviraj.
A paw paw tree infected with red spider mites

Q6. Problem with Paw Paws: Hi Kaviraj,  I live near Bundaberg, Qld, Australia and I’m having problems with my paw paw trees.  I’ve attached photos. Someone told me it may be a little red spider mite and its a common problem around here. The pawpaws end up tasting bland with very few seeds inside. This problem only started after our extremely wet summer. Hope you can help me. Thanks and regards, Toni Coonan.

Hi Toni, to me, this looks like rot as it is on the stem, the fruit and the leaves. The spider mite is not found on the stem – it always prefers the leaves and fruits. I also see no webbing, which is a clear sign of the mite. To me it looks like a wet rot and I suggest Silicea as a remedy. If that shows no improvement within a week, try Carbo vegetabilis. And please send a photo when it is successful!! Kaviraj.


Q7. Snails, Headlice, Cockroaches and Fleas: Have sprayed my garden with helix tosta 8C (That’s the lowest they have) with success. This then made me wonder about head lice 6C topically applied and Blatta orientalis 6C sprayed in the kitchen. And what about a topical application of dog flea? Well I plan to try it and I’ll let you know.

Hi there, my experience is that nosodes do not always work – aphids were a prime example. I have not tried Blatta (potentised cockroach) against cockroaches. Kaviraj.


A leaf with leafminer that needs thujaQ8. Tracks on Lettuce: Hi, Kaviraj. I really love the idea of homeopathy for plants and hope you can help me. Something keeps eating our lettuce but I don’t know what it is. I never see any bugs on them but something keeps leaving tracks on various parts of the lettuce and it is driving us nuts. I am desperately hoping you can help us. I have attached a photo. With kind regards, Christine Noe.

Hi Christine, that looks like a leafminer to me. No wonder you see no bugs, because it is inside the leaf. Thuja will be the remedy. Please show us a photo of after treatment too! Kaviraj.


Instructions for Agrohomeopathy Remedy Use and Storage

Just add one 6X or 6C potency pill to each 200 ml of water, shake vigorously, and then spray on the leaves of your plant or water into its roots. If using the remedy for pests, spray where the pests normally gather.

Store pills and liquid away from light, moisture, and high temperatures (normal household temperatures are fine). Close range mobile phone and microwave oven emissions have been shown to affect homeopathic remedies. Keep your pills and liquid away from these appliances.

1 x vial of 100 pills from the Homeopathy Plus Shop makes 20 litres of remedy.