Saved by Homeopathy

Roger Daltrey, of The Who fame, has been a firm advocate for homeopathy ever since his baby son, seemingly close to death, was returned to health by a homeopathic remedy.

Homeopathy Made Simple – How Would You Like Your Remedy? (Part 3)

Learn the different ways homeopathic remedies are prepared and packaged, the difference between sugar pills and liquids, and how to use both of them.

Homeopathy Made Simple (Part 1) – First Steps to First Aid

Homeopathy is easy to learn and easy to use. With just a handful of remedies even a beginner can make a big difference for everyday health problems.

Snake Venom, White Clots, and Homeopathy

There have been two controversial claims about COVID-19 and its associated shot: snake venom poisoning and white worm-like blood clots. What's the connection with homeopathy?

What is a Sarcode?

Sarcodes are a group of remedies drawn from the secretions, tissues or organs of healthy humans and animals. (In contrast, remedies prepared from diseased tissues or secretions are known as […]

From Hippy to Homeopath: the Story of Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj

Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj was one of the leading voices in the use of homeopathy for plants and soil. Here's the story of his early days of progression into agrohomeopathy.

Remedies for Disasters (Part 3)

To conclude our series on First Response Homeopathy we'll look at some of the remedies that bring emotional healing for the psychological trauma inflicted by disasters.

Part 2: Three cases of HIV/AIDS – Felician, Esther, and Mary

As antiretroviral therapy became less and less effective, life was more and more difficult for these three patients with HIV. Homeopathy made a difference.

Are Bach Flowers Homeopathic?

The answer is yes, and no. Learn the what, when, and why of Bach flower remedies - how they're similar to homeopathy, and the ways in which they are different.