Peanut Allergy Cured by Peanuts?

Doctors are using trace amounts of peanuts to cure anaphylactic peanut allergies in children. Sounds a little like homeopathy.

How Often Should I Take My Remedy?

"The more intense the symptoms the more frequent the remedy should be given." Here's a guide on how often to dose and when improvements should be seen if the remedy is correct.

Instructions for Turning Pills into Liquid Remedies

Learn how to stretch your budget and increase the effectiveness of your remedies. Benefit more by adding this knowledge to our weekly special on vials of pills.

Organotherapy and the Homeopathic Use of Sarcodes

Homeopathic remedies have the ability to tap into the energetic information carried by healthy secretions and tissues but which remedies are they and how are they used?

Homeopathy for the Incurables

Patients with eczema, asthma, migraine, IBS, menopausal problems, anxiety, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and more ... they were all 'incurable' until homeopathy.

Homeopathy Made Simple (Part 1) – First Steps to First Aid

Homeopathy is easy to learn and easy to use. With just a handful of remedies even a beginner can make a big difference for everyday health problems.

What is a Sarcode?

Sarcodes are a group of remedies drawn from the secretions, tissues or organs of healthy humans and animals. (In contrast, remedies prepared from diseased tissues or secretions are known as […]

Remedies for Disasters (Part 3)

To conclude our series on First Response Homeopathy we'll look at some of the remedies that bring emotional healing for the psychological trauma inflicted by disasters.

Part 2: Three cases of HIV/AIDS – Felician, Esther, and Mary

As antiretroviral therapy became less and less effective, life was more and more difficult for these three patients with HIV. Homeopathy made a difference.