Remedy: Laurocerasus (Laur.)

Prepared from the leaves of the cherry laurel tree, this remedy has been used for types of cardiac and respiratory disorders with coexisting coldness, weakness, and collapse.

Case Report: Homeopathy for Severe Mushroom Poisoning

Poisoning by death cap mushrooms (Amanita phalloides) frequently results in death. Read what happens when two women were given homeopathy alongside conventional medicine.

Know Your Remedies: Calcarea Sulphurica (Calc-s.)

Do you have an infection with thick yellow pus? Or dislike warm environments and crave unripe fruit? What about burning and itching soles of the feet? You may need Calc-s.

Study: Homeopathy for Chronic Disease

Over 70% of outpatients from this university hospital reported a positive difference in a wide range of chronic health problems when homeopathy was used.

Homeopathy in 30 Days: Survey Responses

Wondering if the Homeopathy in 30 Days course might suit you? Read what March participants said in an anonymous survey.

Day 1: Homeopathy in 30 Days Lesson

Welcome! A big hello to all our new course participants. May your learning be fun. Throughout this course you will learn how homeopathy is a safe system of treatment for […]

Autism: Part 1 – Homeopathy and the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (Practitioners and Parents)

"Transitions that had previously been a huge problem were suddenly no problem at all ... He became less obsessed with activities..."

Remedies for Disasters (Part 3)

To conclude our series on First Response Homeopathy we'll look at some of the remedies that bring emotional healing for the psychological trauma inflicted by disasters.

Homeopathic Prevention: Human Records, Studies and Trials

In the beginning… Homeopathy’s ability to prevent as well as treat epidemic disease was first discovered in 1799 by Samuel Hahnemann, founder of Homeopathy, during an epidemic of scarlet fever […]