When Kate Cries We’re Happy!
Scientists say the reason why we like watching sad movies is because ultimately, they make us feel happy. But is this just a homeopathic response?

Swine Flu, Benjamin Disraeli, and Potato Blight – What’s the Connection?
Benjamin Disraeli, swine flu and the Irish potato famine – they all have something in common, and it's homeopathy.

Homeopathy Used In Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Patients given this homeopathic remedy had less mucus, shorter times on respirators, fewer respiratory complications and faster ICU discharges. But which remedy was it?

Preliminary responses from the Helix tosta survey
"Half of respondents said Helix tosta produced an ‘excellent’ result. Others classified the result as ‘good’". That was just part of what they said.

Homeopathy and the Law of Similars
What do coffee, stimulants, and onions have in common? Their impact on the healthy person demonstrates how the Law of Similars works in homeopathy.

Day 5: Homeopathy in 30 Days Lesson
Welcome to Day 5 of the Homeopathy in 30 Days course. Throughout the course you will learn how homeopathy is a safe system of treatment for first-aid, acute, and chronic […]

Day 3: Homeopathy in 30 Days Lesson
Welcome to Day 3 of the Homeopathy in 30 Days course. Throughout the course you will learn how homeopathy is a safe system of treatment for first-aid, acute and chronic […]

Day 2: Homeopathy in 30 Days Lesson
Welcome to Day 2 of the Homeopathy in 30 Days course. Throughout the course you will learn how homeopathy is a safe system of treatment for first-aid, acute, and chronic […]

VIDEO: Indian Police Use Homeopathy For COVID-19
Video Synopsis In January, The Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) issued an advisory recommending homeopathy as a preventative for COVID-19. Criticism and lack of […]