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Recovering from Heartbreak

It would be wonderful if relationships always ended pleasantly but, people being people, that's not the way it happens sometimes. Homeopathy helps with the emotional fallout.

Study: Depression Help

When 48 patients with moderate to severe depression were treated with homeopathy, results showed they progressed just as well without side-effects as those given an antidepressant.

Tim Ferriss looks at homeopathy

Tim Ferriss, author of the 4 Hour Work Week, has been experimenting with homeopathic Arnica – and was surprised to find he healed faster with the 30C potency pills than […]

GPs say wacky alternatives such as homeopathy AREN’T hokum

The Daily Mail has interviewed six GPs who also use alternative therapy as part of their practice. Dr Tim Robinson tells how he came to use homeopathy and says, “Sceptics […]

Money-waster or a valuable alternative? Homeopathy and the NHMRC Report

Wondering why the Australian NHMRC delivered a report on homeopathy that was so at odds to human experiences from around the world? Ana Lamaro, spokesperson for the Australian Homeopathic Association, […]

Delhi Zoo Uses Homeopathy for Its Animals

Homeopathy is a compassionate and humane way to treat people and animals. The National Zoological Park in Delhi zoo has been experimenting in using it for their animals when conventional treatments haven't helped. 

Report Shows Homeopathy Vital to UK Economy

The recent Breakthrough Growth Champions Report (compiled by credit ratings service, Experian, and commissioned by Santander) found that just a tiny fraction of the UK’s small business community accounted for […]

Petition: Stop the UK Threat to Homeopathic Remedies

The Medicines Act is being simplified, which could adversely affect your access to homoeopathic medicines within the UK. If the government endorses the current proposals of the MHRA, the following […]

Back Door Attack on Homeopathy

Speak out now, or lose your freedom!” are the opening words of an excellent article from Gaia Health. Heidi explains why UK consumers must act against a back door move […]