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Remedies for Anxiety 1

Remedies for Anxiety

Surprisingly, a little anxiety can be good for us but when it’s prolonged or intense you can calm the mind and settle the nerves by matching your key symptoms to one of these remedies.

Homeopathy for Anxiety 2

Homeopathy for Anxiety

Here's a list of helpful remedies to help you manage social anxiety, stage fright, nightmares, fear of heights, unwanted impulses, forgetfulness, and more.

Remedies for Plants and Animals 3

Remedies for Plants and Animals

Learn which remedies strengthen plants in the early Spring, cure white or grey mould on leaves, treat anxiety, fevers and bronchitis in horses, and more.

Know Your Remedies: Graphites (Graph.) 4

Know Your Remedies: Graphites (Graph.)

Graphites is a remedy for anxiety and types of skin complaints. Those needing it are often chilly, prone to obesity, and dislike sweet things - especially with meat. Sound familiar?

Homeopathy for School Anxiety 5

Homeopathy for School Anxiety

School is returning for some of us, and so is anxiety and stress in children. As always, homeopathy can help. This article discusses the remedies Bar-c, Silica and Pulsatilla.

Homeopathy for Your Anxiety 6

Homeopathy for Your Anxiety

At your wit’s end before a big event? Suffering from nervous diarrhorea? Shake with a fear of heights? Here's a list of remedies homeopaths regularly use for anxiety.

Management of Eczema 7

Management of Eczema

The good doctors from the BHA present 2 cases in which homeopathy was invaluable for eczema that covered the body, didn't respond to steroid creams, and flared with anxiety.

What’s homeopathy? Homeopathy is the second most popular form of medicine worldwide. It’s used by millions of people to treat a wide range of problems – including anxiety. Homeopathy is […]

How to Stress a Mouse 8

How to Stress a Mouse

Scientists, in two pooled studies, gave white mice the homeopathic remedy, Gelsemium, and then placed them under stress to see if it helped them cope with anxiety. Fortunately, they were […]