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Homeopathy for Horse-hurts 1

Homeopathy for Horse-hurts

Topical products for horses often contain irritating antiseptics while anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics produce their own set of problems. Homeopathic approaches do exist.

Know Your Remedies: Bellis Perennis (Bell-p.) 2

Know Your Remedies: Bellis Perennis (Bell-p.)

Bellis perennis is an excellent remedy for rapid chilling, sorenenss, bruising, back sprain, and injuries of the lower abdomen or pelvic area. Consider it for bruising when Arnica fails to act.

Homeopathic Remedies for Your Dog 3

Homeopathic Remedies for Your Dog

A homeopathic veterinarian tells us which 12 remedies make a great doggie homeopathy kit for use at home or during travels.

Homeopathy and Sports 4

Homeopathy and Sports

Athletes regularly turn to homeopathy - it treats injuries, has no harmful side-effects and is okay to use with performance-enhancing drug tests. Here's a list of useful remedies. Read more | Comment

A Remedy for Tendon Injury 5

A Remedy for Tendon Injury

Hypericum for injuries to nerve tissue, Arnica to muscle tissue, but which remedy comes to mind for overstrain and exertion, bruising, bone pain, and injuries that are slow to heal?

Homeopathic Pharmacist 6

Homeopathic Pharmacist

Advice and information, colds and flu, mother & child health, anxiety & stress and injuries, aches & pains.These are the main reasons why people visit a homeopathic pharmacist.

Homeopathy made simple: Treating ‘family and friend’ ailments 7

Homeopathy made simple: Treating ‘family and friend’ ailments

“In this Part 2, we progress to using homeopathy for simple acute complaints such as coughs, colds, and headaches that affect family and friends. Because everyone experiences these complaints differently, […]

Homeopathy for Sports Injuries 8

Homeopathy for Sports Injuries

Mary of Homeopathy world provides a concise guide on using homeopathy for sporting injuries. She says, “Using Homeopathy for a first-aid situation is usually very easy, because nearly all of […]