Homeopathy for Indigestion
Compare the conventional and homeopathic approach to indigestion. Information on 18 remedies homeopaths use again and again for its treatment is included.
Study: Chronic Back Pain Improves with Homeopathy
In this study, 129 patients with prolonged low back pain - plus a number of other chronic diseases - were evaluated over a 2-year-period to see if homeopathy relieved their symptoms.
Remedies for Finger Joint Pain
Joint pain differs from person to person and so will need different remedies from person to person. Here's a list of common ones for sore and aching pinkies.
Homeopathy for Animal Bites
Dogs Naturally have pulled together six homeopathic remedies for your fur-baby to reduce their risk of infection from a bite and to ease its pain and swelling.
Homeopathy for Sciatica
Ten remedies for sciatic pain - tearing, shooting, constricting, numbness, need to move or need to keep still, and numerous other symptoms. One of these remedies could help you.
Homeopathic Gout Remedies
Colchicum, Ledum, Nux vomica and Aconite are 4 remedies traditionally used for gout. Check their symptom profiles to see if one suits you.
Know Your Remedy: Ipecacuanha (Ip)
In past times, Ipecac was used to cause vomiting after poisoning. Homeopathically it now treats vomiting accompanied by pain, bleeding, asthma or bronchitis.
Research: Homeopathy for Ear Infections
Scenario: it's night. Your little one is fretful with ear pain. What to do? In four clinical trials homeopathic remedies relieved earaches and infections faster than antibiotics.
End of Life Care with Homeopathy
Tom's remaining days were affected by pain, anxiety, depression, and haemorrhage. The homeopathic remedies acted quickly to relieve distressing symptoms.