Fibromyalgia: Treatments Compared?

The homeopathic and conventional approach for this condition are compared. Relevant studies and nine commonly-used remedies that relieve its associated symptoms are included.

Career Saved with Homeopathy

Madeleine was plagued by sinus problems - something no singer wants. She was soon back to fine form when homeopathy resolved this plus other health complaints.

Surgery? How Homeopathy Helps

Discover five remedies for the discomfort, pain and stress of surgery that don't interact with conventional medicines that may also be prescribed.

Help for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Compare the conventional and homeopathic approach to ankylosing spondylitis. A list of homeopathic remedies for the common symptoms of stiffness and pain is included.

Schuessler’s Tissue Salts – A Medicine Chest for the Whole Family

Schuessler's Tissue Salts are potentised micro-doses of the 12 essential minerals your body needs for good health. They are gentle enough for the whole family, even pets.

Orthodontic Study: Homeopathy for Dental Pain

Pain relief with no adverse effects or anti-inflammatory drawbacks made homeopathy an effective alternative to ibuprofen.

Study: Homeopathy for Haemophilia

Treatment reduced the frequency and severity of bleeding, relieved pain, improved mental well-being, and lessened absenteeism.

The Right Remedy for the Job

Stuck on Christmas gift ideas? Certain remedies have an affinity for different skill-sets - athletes, bartenders, carpenters, and so on, so why not personalise a gift this year!

Homeopathy for Indigestion

Compare the conventional and homeopathic approach to indigestion. Information on 18 remedies homeopaths use again and again for its treatment is included.