Homeopathic Prevention for Malaria

In 2012, the Indian government gave 60,000 families a homeopathic prophylactic for malaria. The results were startling.

Stre-e-e-tch out the Life of Your Pills

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that heals through the transfer of energetic information rather than chemicals. The sugar pills or liquids used are just the carriers for this information. […]

Cystitis – Gone with Homeopathy!

Simple cystitis and urinary tract infections are often easily treated by homeopathy – either by an acute remedy for the immediate infection or a constitutional prescription so the problem is […]

Happy Cows, Happy Farmer

Bernie Mannes runs an organic farm on which he uses homeopathy in preference to antibiotics to treat his cow’s health problems. Find out why!

Petition: Stop the UK Threat to Homeopathic Remedies

The Medicines Act is being simplified, which could adversely affect your access to homoeopathic medicines within the UK. If the government endorses the current proposals of the MHRA, the following […]

Slogans, Distortions and Downright Lies

“There is no argument against homeopathy which stands up to scientific scrutiny. They are simply slogans, distortions and downright lies.” So says H:MC21, a UK organisation established to provide homeopathic […]

Homeopathy and Nanoparticles

Does the homeopathic effect depend on nanoparticles? Recent research shows that remedies carry plenty of them, even up to a 200C potency, and that homeopathy is not “just water”. But […]

Homeopathy Treats when the Cause is Unknown

What is homeopathy really good at? Providing treatment when the cause or disease is still unknown. This thought came to mind on hearing how Michael Lynagh – one of Australia’s […]

Treating Allergies with Homeopathy

There are 3 options for using potentised remedies for treating allergies. These are: Buy an ‘allergy’ complex (combination remedy). Make an appointment for an acute prescription with a homeopath. See […]