Batty Rescue for Tiny, Carnivorous Animal

Even little bats need some homeopathy at times. After possibly flying into a ceiling fan, this little ghost bat’s injuries were treated with a complex (combination) remedy and he (or […]

Can Plastic Make You Sick?

(From the Living Wisdom magazine and the Australian Vaccinaton Network) Arsenic in ground water – see our first story – is just one form of toxic exposure. Another more recent […]


Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century (H:MC21) provides homeopathic information, research and publications to help homeopaths and patients in the UK campaign for homeopathy. On its homepage alone it has: […]

Detoxing with Homeopathy

Using homeopathic remedies for their detoxing effects alone (as discussed in the above Arsenic trials) may not be the best course to take if you or someone you know has […]

Homeopathy for Cancer in Animals

Vet, Sue Armstrong, discusses possible reasons for the staggering increase in cancer in our pets, common remedies she uses for mammary tumours, and the recovery of “S” from rectal cancer […]

Where Do I Find the Evidence for Homeopathy?

Looking for research on homeopathy? The National Centre for Homeopathy (NCH) has grouped it for you as peer-reviewed journals, clinical studies, meta-analyses, basic research, econometrics, introductory and advanced books plus useful […]

Root-Knot Disease and Agrohomeopathy

Root-knot disease: it sounds painful but before you pull a face and cross your legs it might help to know it is a plant and tree disease in which little […]

Homeopathy and Eating Disorders

Do you have an over, under or fussy eater in your life? Maybe someone who has pica and eats all sorts of strange things. Homeopathy has a lot to offer […]

Homeopathy has a valuable role in New Zealand’s Health Industry say NZCH

The New Zealand Council of Homeopaths (NZCH) has endorsed the findings of a comprehensive Swiss government report affirming that homeopathy is efficient, cost-effective and should be reimbursed by the Swiss […]