Agrohomeopathy: Phosphorus 6C Found to Increase Oil in Verbina Plants

Here's something for the aromatherapists and herbalists - homeopathy can increase production in your plants.

Homeopathic study on animals

In this study, vets used homeopathy for dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, goats, and 1 cow and 1 tortoise! 79.8% of animals showed improvement with strongly positive outcomes […]

Animal day

Animal Day Today! The most comprehensive database for clinical research in veterinary homeopathy is carried by Carstens-Stiftung. This German site has a translator that does a reasonable job of converting […]

Vet homeopaths

Vet homeopaths treat dermatitis, renal failure, arthritis in cats and dogs with good benefit for up to 68% of them, say owners. The most frequently treated feline conditions were dermatitis, […]

Childhood Cancer

Homeopathy is more frequently used in the treatment of childhood cancer in Germany than any other complementary therapy.

Doctor recommends homeopathy for stomach bugs on ABC TV video

Homeopathy for stomach / gastro viruses discussed on ABC News story. Dr. Albert Levy M.D. was interviewed recently on ABC TV for a story on gastro and diarrhoea. Eli Manning […]

12 Homeopathic Remedies for Your Dog

Apis mellifica – great for bee and other insect bites. Give every 20 minutes for a few doses after a bee sting. Borax (the remedy, not the powder) – excellent […]

Arsenicum album – The Homeopathic Cockroach Repellent

The homeopathic remedy, Arsenicum album (Ars.) 6C, is a safe and effective cockroach repellent. Unlike other commercial products, Arsenicum album has no toxic ingredients to harm you, your plants or […]

Helix Tosta – Instructions for Use

The Homeopathic Snail and Slug Repellent Helix tosta 6C, the homeopathic snail and slug repellent remedy, is now available from the Homeopathy Plus shop. Unlike many other products, Helix tosta […]