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Asthma: Breathing Made Easy with Homeopathy

Could homeopathy the best way to treat your asthma? The correct remedy can avert an acute crisis, while ongoing treatment works to reduce or clear the condition completely.

Homeopathy in 30 Days Course Starts Again in November 2024

About the Course Join us for this 3-tier online course that only runs three times a year … and will next run during the month of November 2024. Course registration […]

Know Your Remedies: Gelsemium Sempervirens (Gels.)

Those who need this remedy lack confidence. Anticipation anxiety is common. Challenging situations are avoided. Muscles weaken or tremble with anxiety or illness.

Dishwashing liquid? – You’re soaking in it! Erica’s story

A quick-thinking Mum saved the day with homeopathy when running water did little to reduce the pain and swelling caused by detergent in a one-year-old's eyes.

Know Your Remedies: Bryonia Alba (Bry.)

What if your health problems are worsened by the slightest movement? What if you are irritable, especially when disturbed, and want to be alone? You may need Bryonia.

Remedies for Barking Coughs

Tickly, dry coughs, chesty coughs, croupy coughs- they're hard to escape in wintery weather but the right homeopathic remedy and some simple self-help tips can bring relief.

Q. Carbo Veg – a ‘Corpse Reviver’?

“Carb-v is prepared from vegetable charcoal. It is best known for its seemingly miraculous ability in some circumstances to revive people or animals close to death.”

Know Your Remedies: Staphisagria (Staph.)

Staphisagria is a remedy for those who appear gentle, submissive and selfless. Anger is suppressed which then leads to physical symptoms and health problems.

Tutorial 10 – Direction of Cure

Palliation or suppression gradually weakens vitality and leads to deteriorating health. Learn about the 'direction of cure' and how to tell when deep healing is truly taking place.