What is a Sarcode?

Sarcodes are a group of remedies drawn from the secretions, tissues or organs of healthy humans and animals. (In contrast, remedies prepared from diseased tissues or secretions are known as […]

Pill or Liquid Remedies?

Is it best to use pills or liquids when taking a homeopathic remedy? Both give good results but one has an edge over the other. Which one and why?

Q. ‘Kissing Tonsils’ – What Can Homeopathy Do?

Does homeopathy make a difference to large, inflamed tonsils, shyness, stunted development, and nail-biting? It sure can! Take a look at what else it can do.

Q. COVID-19 Animal Infections – Can Homeopathy Help?

Q. Can homeopathy help animals infected with COVID-19? A. The short answer is, yes. And, as with humans, it can also offer them protection. With the ongoing spread of the […]

Q. Will the Coronavirus Nosode Help with COVID-19?

A coronavirus nosode that has been in existence for many years is being touted on the internet and elsewhere as a prophylactic (preventative) for the new coronavirus disease – COVID-19. […]